Last month we lost Sen John McCain of Arizona to brain cancer, and with his passing the Senate was deprived of the lone voice of reason. In these very trying and un-predictable Trump times, we need every stabilizing and uniting voice we can get.
McCain was a true statesman, a political maverick of no equal, a man who saw issues not as a Republican but an American patriot. I dare say he left this world a sad man, well knowing that one Donald Trump, a sleazy and lying real estate salesman is at the helm.
As we approach mid-term elections this coming November, the country’s only hope of salvation is to have Democrats win back the House of Representatives, and with that win, impeach the monster that currently occupies the Oval Office.
What do Democrats have to do to reverse course and save America from Donald Trump? First, there needs to be a clear message, a united and coherent plan of attack. With all the damage Trump has done to the country, this should be a walk in the park.
Second, there needs to be a new brand of leadership. Current leaders in the Democratic ranks are old (average age 70), tired and need to hand over leadership to a new generation with fresh ideas.
In comes Beto O’ R0urke, 45, boyish looking, visionary, energized, charismatic: a man with fresh ideas seeking to unite the country and turn the tide away from the divisive, pedestrian and racist Trumpian policies. And he is not anti-immigrants.
The State of Texas is not known for electing Democrats, not since the days of Lyndon Baines Johnson who served as Senator from 1949-1961. Currently Texas does not have a Democrat in the Senate.
Beto, as he is fondly known, instead of Robert, is the man to beat the self-loathing, divisive and toxicly partisan Ted Cruz, the present un-popular Senator and former presidential candidate.
Republicans are so worried and nervous about Cruz’ loss that they have begged Trump to come to Texas and campaign for Cruz. And that he is willing to have Trump come to Texas to save his hide tells you what manner of man he is, after Trump said this about him during the last presidential election:
” This man is a pathological liar.”
” I will spill the beans on your wife.”
” Cruz’ father was somehow involved with JFK’s assasin.”
Show me the company you keep, and I will tell you what kind of person you are. Trump and Cruz seem to use the same moral compass, if at all.
And what does Cruz think of Trump? He said, “The man is utterly amoral.” He did not stop there; He is “consistently disgraceful.”
Here are some reasons NOT to re-elect Ted Cruz, words uttered by his colleagues in the Senate and Republican Party;
” I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life”, said former Speaker of the House John Boehner.
Sen Lindsey Graham put it this way, “ If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”
Former President George Bush too did not have a kind word about Cruz; “ I just don’t like the guy.”
To my fellow Texans, come out in full force on November 6 and elect my man Beto. If not, don’t you dare whine when things don’t go right.